Java Virtual Machine API

Multi-Lingual Interoperability System

Java Virtual Machine API


The file metaffi.api.jar is deployed in the MetaFFI installation directory.

MetaFFIRuntime Class

MetaFFIRuntime is a class that provides a simple and easy FFI framework to connect JVM-based languages with other languages. Pass to the constructor the runtime plugin you wish to load into the process (e.g. go, python3), and call loadRuntimePlugin to load the runtime.

Once the runtime is loaded, use loadModule to load the module and receive and instance of MetaFFIModule.


MetaFFIRuntime(String runtimePlugin)

Constructor specifies the requested runtime plugin to use


void loadRuntimePlugin()

Loads the runtime of the plugin.

void releaseRuntimePlugin()

Releases the loaded runtime. After calling this function, and loaded entity must not be used.

MetaFFIModule loadModule(String modulePath)

Loads a foreign module from a given. It returns a MetaFFIModule object that represents the foreign module.

The modulePath might contain multiple modules (for cases like dependencies). A runtime plugin specifies in its documentation what it expects.



static Caller makeMetaffiCallable(Method m)

The method wraps the given method m, and returns a cross-language Call. The returned Caller instance can be passed to other languages.



MetaFFIModule Class

The MetaFFIModule class provides the load method, which loads a foreign entity and returns it as a Caller object.

The class usually should not be created directly, but using the MetaFFIRuntime.loadModule function.


MetaFFIModule(MetaFFIRuntime runtime, String modulePath)

The constructor method for the MetaFFIModule class. It initializes the instance with the given attributes.


Caller load(String entityPath, MetaFFITypeWithAlias[] parametersTypes, MetaFFITypeWithAlias[] retvalsTypes)

Caller load(String entityPath, MetaFFIType[] parametersTypes, MetaFFIType[] retvalsTypes)

The load method for the MetaFFIModule class loads a foreign entity from the module and returns a Caller that can be used to invoke the foreign entity from another language. If the Caller calls a Method or a Field of an object, the $1^{st}$ parameter is an instance of the object.

The load method receives a entity path telling the runtime plugin the location of the entity inside the module.

The method should also pass a list of MetaFFI Types, specifying the type of the parameters and return values.

In case there are no parameters or return values, pass null or empty arrays.



MetaFFI Types In JVM

MetaFFI Type JVM
metaffi_float64_type double
metaffi_float32_type float
metaffi_int8_type byte
metaffi_int16_type short
metaffi_int32_type int
metaffi_int64_type long
metaffi_uint8_type byte
metaffi_uint16_type short
metaffi_uint32_type int
metaffi_uint64_type long
metaffi_bool_type boolean
metaffi_char8_type byte
metaffi_char16_type Character
metaffi_char32_type int
metaffi_string8_type String
metaffi_string16_type String
metaffi_string32_type String
metaffi_handle_type MetaFFIHandle
metaffi_any_type Object
metaffi_null_type null
metaffi_callable_type Method
(returned by MakeCallable)
metaffi_float64_array_type []double
metaffi_float32_array_type []float
metaffi_int8_array_type byte[]
metaffi_int16_array_type short[]
metaffi_int32_array_type int[]
metaffi_int64_array_type long[]
metaffi_uint8_array_type byte[]
metaffi_uint16_array_type short[]
metaffi_uint32_array_type int[]
metaffi_uint64_array_type long[]
metaffi_bool_array_type boolean[]
metaffi_char8_array_type byte[]
metaffi_string8_array_type String[]
metaffi_string16_array_type String[]
metaffi_string32_array_type String[]
metaffi_any_array_type Object[]
metaffi_handle_array_type MetaFFIHandle[]